Ingredients for 04 to 06 persons :

12 eggs / 02 T-spoons cream /10 cl (4 fl oz) milk / 06 Tb-spoons freshly grated parmesan cheese / 15 fresh basil leaves / 25 chive blades / 12 fresh mint leaves/ a few drops of olive oil / salt & pepper Preparation time 10 minutes + cooking one by one.

  • Chop the herbs one by one.

  • Beat eggs in a salad bowl (pot) with the salt -and- generous pepper. Mix the cream with milk, and after that add them to the beaten eggs while mixing.  Add the parmesan cheese the same way.

  • In a small frying non-stick pan (size of a blini pan ) heat up a drop of olive oil, after that pour a small ladleful of egg mixture in pan. Spread it with one of the chopped herb and let it heat on medium flame until top is no longer liquid ( reckon for three (03) minutes depending on the thickness) turn the omelette upside down with a spatula and let it brown for a few extra seconds.
Cook like this as many omelettes as you can and remain them warm the time to cook the others. Provide with tomatoes and cucumbers to have with the omelettes.